
Analog Aesthetics


Friday, November 04, 2005

Ama Update: 

I know somewhere out there in the blogosphere I already made my first post, so I'll try not to think of this as counting for anything special. I figured it was high time to update the world with an insider view of the Amasphere.

What prompted this post? Google Print. I just tried it out and found countless books on my research subject of Digital Culture and Digital Media. I hate that this is a useful research tool, as it pains me to know the authors I find may not receive but miniscule pay for this wonder of innovation. I do have to acknowledge the fact that I will use the new technology to research why the technology is fundamentally breaking down significant culture values and catering to convenience. Hopefully, in my case, the convenience will be well worth it.

Refraining from spouting off my techno-dolt (thank you, James) ideals (for today), what my life in Cologne has boiled down to is one of simplification. Even living in this booming German metropolis I have learned to simplify my life - resulting in some much needed clarity. Without TV or Internet at home, all I'm left with is myself, my thoughts, my books and research. I've learned to always cook at home, resist impulsive spending, entertain myself by walking down new streets, communicate more honestly and genuinely with my friends and family, and appreciate the sparkle of a laugh, shared over coffee.

Never before have I yearned for a city so much as now, Clemson in autumn, almost able to smell the rain on the trees and the wet squish of countless cars on countless fallen leaves. There is no real darkness here, not the kind of darkness that used to scare me walking home to my apartment off Elm St. There are no people here (yet) I could always count on to brighten even the greyest of days with a quick lunch (and a quick cider!) at TDs. It's ironic that the things I'm learning here would help me better appreciate where I just came from, a city I will never live in again, at least not permanently. But I'm not really sad, as I know there are an infinite number of other towns in America to explore, towns that make life effortless.

So my time here has made me acutely simple and sentimental. I welcome the change.

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