
Analog Aesthetics


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

speed. go go go, can't slow down, gotta live and work without thinking of how this turns out, because words are enslaving us already every day, right? flying through conversations like madmen, we're talking, we really just open up and share, you can tell me what you think, like how i'm a lying jerk when i get drunk and i can admit i think you look funny in that hat, because admit it, you just don't have the right shaped head, not many of us do. but maybe first we have to have a few beers, smoke, whatever, because i think sometimes you want to hold out on me. like you're saving your true secrets for a really big time, a time when you can create a hush and all eyes are on you, and then you can really see the pity in their eyes, like a god standing over his minions. you can wrap them around your little finger, and there's no remorse because remember, you're the one with the deep dark secrets, it's your moment to shine, no one can take it from you. i have no problem telling you, but sometimes i feel like you don't want to hear it, so i hold it back for your sake, but man, i'm open, don't you worry about that. maybe you won't do it out of vanity, the vanity that takes hold of us in the morning and can't seem to shake us loose, so we hold our heads high or maybe look at the floor, in the hopes that we look like we don't give a shit if you like our haircuts, because ya, we know it's not exactly the best but then again how do people look so good in the first place? how do they pull it off? i'm beginning to think it's magic, they have some kind of magical power to always buy the coolest things and must eat the healthiest and when they drink, you can bet they open up in the best way, the absolute best way, because that's what it means to be charmed, you see? me, well, i just swallow my vanity whole, try to really play it up, because i like the feeling of being less than perfect. i used to think it was a good idea to fix the things about you that bring you shame, embarrassment, white-knuckled terror, but i've since seen the light, i know the struggle is bottomless, and there's just no point in trying. i used to try but man it made me so tired, i never had time left to live, just live, so i gave it up. there's no shame in that, i don't care if you try to convince me otherwise, the human race was born imperfect and we'll stay that way and who are you to try to turn us into soulless monsters? i like knowing you can't replace me with some propped up doll, you can't ever tell what i'll say next, sure sometimes it's kind of forced but what else? at least i'm trying, really trying to get to the bottom of things, where life really circulates its warmth, not this sterile existence that's plagued us these last hundred years, where we take little whiney baby steps ever and ever farther away from the truth, from the rawness of life, its vivid way of reminding us of our own humanity, where we can breathe in and out and not feel like we have to hold it for your benefit, because you don't want to have to recognize we're flesh and blood, and we're standing right next to you. one day you're going to realize this, and man, then you'll open up, you'll just open your mouth and let it all pour forth for days, vocals raw, and we'll listen, we'll listen until our ears bleed and we nod, nod, yes, keep it up and let it out and know the world is listening

(in honor of Kerouac and Kafka)

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