
Analog Aesthetics


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Wonderbra World of Disney 

Dr. Frank's written a novel! Which leads me to think: is this where the music industry has pushed the Little Guy?

Musicians everywhere are starting their own blogs (and as you can see, writing novels) in a growing effort to personalize their music (and make some money *gasp!*) in this free-for-all Digital Age. And they're speaking out more than ever before on and against illegal downloading, the fall of the music industry, and world events in general. Everyone's so busy being "personal," not even the roll-n-roll star can remain aloof. They've got to get out there, selling their hearts and minds to you, as you (yes, YOU) have made it clear that the music alone not longer cuts it. We all want it bigger, faster, flashier and moremoremore, so musicians are stepping up to create for you.

But it's not all love for the "music fan." Ben Weasel speaks out against the growing trends damaging the music industry. And sadly, the numbers speak for themselves. Contrary to popular belief, album sales and general revenue are still down from previous years, despite legal venues for purchasing music online. Yes, musicians are still losing out to Thieves, and it doesn't help that they have to cut record costs to encourage you to actually buy an album. I would take it one step further - even in encouraging digital music purchases, they're opening the door to more theft, as they've done the work of providing the necessary file formats, the industry has provided the gadgets for easy and convenient playback, and culture has provided the excuses for massive playlist swaps.

So why don't they just stick to the live show if they really want to make money, you say? Well, gee, they sure would love to come to your town and play their hearts out for you, but by golly, gas sure is expensive. And so is taking off work to tour extensively. Besides, you'll just pay your measely $10 for the show (of which only a small percentage can and will go to the bands themselves, as it's also not free to run a venue) and skip the merchandise table, so why should they bother?

Buy more records. Don't let music breed mediocracy.

Get on the mic!

The tape's still hissing...

Tape Backups

My blogosphere: