
Analog Aesthetics


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas is for playing hooky. 

Skipped my textual topologics class to eat Reibekuchen at the Weihnachtsmarkt. It was delicious, of course, but unless you can handle it, don't try to eat three pieces all by yourself. Even with applesauce.

The Weihnachtsmärkte here are so beautiful. The vendors don't sell anything necessary other than delicious food, but somehow you find yourself thinking you really could use a new windchime or belt buckle in the shape of a goat. Or an industrial-sized bag of oregano. The smells are just fantastic, especially coming from the stalls selling sweets - trying the smoked and sugar-encrusted almonds are a must. If you're feeling up for a wild time, there's nothing better on a cold December evening than Glühwein. Word on the street is you don't need more than two for a good time either.

My hypertext project has come to a standstill, pending some major revisions. My regular project, however, is taking off in new directions - including tonight's interview with Toronto's The Most Serene Republic, opening for Broken Social Scene. Should prove fun and entertaining, besides the fact that the guy who tried to pick me up at the laundromat yesterday will be there. Kelly will also be in attendance, which (thank goodness!) means she'll be there to deflect any annoyances. And dance a lot.

I wish I remembered to take pictures. I haven't taken a single once since I've been here, but you get the idea. I'm living in paradise. We still don't have snow, but I'm pressing my thumbs for some by Christmas. I won't be seeing my family this year, but this is the third year in a row, so it's becoming quite routine. Besides, I'm holding out hope that Wally will graduate this semester and come see me in January, so maybe family is on the way after all!

What can I say other than: I cannot sleep without feeling such a lust for life and inspired, viewing the world so vivid? It attacks me with its brightness and promise of possibility. Optimism. Slack-jawed. Neverending. Soon. Begin the happening! Bring on the seriousness, to be chased out by laughter! Let it roll, let it plunge us out of despair. "Give us this day..." Understand yesterday; experience today. Give up reflection to the gloomy past, become haunted with visions of endless giddiness. Embrace that whose beauty you can only fathom with eyes closed. Rely on your gut to guide you. Tomorrow is the time to get down to business. You've got an eternity, if only you learn to listen to the moments. Release. Believe. Breathe, rush. Twirl, spin, jump.

Get on the mic!

The tape's still hissing...

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