
Analog Aesthetics


Sunday, December 04, 2005

Shakedown on a Disco Saturday 

If you're not sure what you want to do in life, try it out in excess and see where you stand.

After my week-long show escapades, I'm more in love with music than ever before (in love? love? want to make babies?). All I have to do is see a live show and I'm returned to heaven, like curtains being lifted/fog parting/grass swaying and all that pretty poetry. I forget for a moment that the music business is slick and tricky going; I just listen, listen and all is forgiven. I've been to Frankfurt and all over this city, new places and new faces, and I gotta say I'm hungry for more. Sadly, there don't appear to be many shows this month, but then again it's Christmas and despite the hush there's already a call for spring.

My special adoration to: Mayday (our discussion gave me brilliant hope!), Orenda Fink (she's a vision); Hockey Night (if I land at NPR, you're my man), Supersystem (have I ever thrashed so much? my neck says no); Film School (how do I look American?), The National (wow. your show blew me away); Jeff Klein (i thought you had tears in your eyes while singing and it moved me), Statistics (you simply can't imagine. just go real limp. come back.)

Get on the mic!

The tape's still hissing...

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